BLS Training for Kids: Things To Keep In Mind

Things to keep in mind, while giving basic life support (BLS) training to kids:

Discuss safety around the house – Kids may have a hard time grasping concepts about ocean safety or injuries that can occur while climbing a mountain. Keep your lesson easy for children to understand by discussing safety at home. Take a tour of your home together and talk about the possible injuries that can happen in each room, like burns or choking in the kitchen, and cuts in the garage. This allows children to see how accidents can happen right at home and they can see the hazards that are present every day.

Explore a first aid kit – Purchase a first aid kit, or assemble one together, and go through the contents with your child. For each item, explain what it is and encourage your child to think of a time when they would need to use that item. Teach them how to use each item in the kit and show them where you store it so they can easily access it in an emergency.

Brainstorm emergency situations – Many kids have a difficulty understanding the idea that first aid emergencies can happen to them or to the people they know. Spend time with your child talking about some of the common emergencies that can happen, like drowning, burns, heart attack, or heavy bleeding. Let your child contribute their own ideas so they are part of the conversation.

Teach kids to use the phone – In today’s world, most parents each have their own cell phone and many households do not have a landline. Younger children may not know how to use either type of phone and it’s important for them to have a lesson so they can call for help if needed. Teach them how to dial 911 and show them which buttons to press on the phone to make a call. Have them call a friend or relative on a regular basis so they have real experience using the phone.

Use videos to teach techniques – Many children respond better to visual lessons than they do to simply listening to you talk about first aid. There are plenty of great resources online or on YouTube where you and your child can watch first aid videos together. Look for videos created specifically for children to make sure they can understand the content and get the most benefit from what they see.

Practice makes perfect – Talking about first aid is one thing, but doing it is a different experience. Use a doll or stuffed toy to demonstrate first aid techniques to children and have them practice these skills themselves.

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Challenges and Benefits of e-Learning CPR Classes


Challenges Associated With e-Learning CPR Classes:

Online learning is quite beneficial to many. It however posses a set of challenges to the learner and the institution. Some of these challenges include:

  • Need for Discipline:

Online learning requires proper time management and self discipline. The flexibility of the course leaves learners too relaxed that many who enroll for the program don’t finish. Learning institutions also face related challenges of learners not finishing their training and others taking longer than necessary to attain their certification. 

  • Need for Interactive Learning Environment:

The interaction found in a classroom setting makes the learning process less fun. Learners are not able to actively engage their tutors. There is also less motivation among learners and their teacher. The learning environment is not challenging as students don’t compete among themselves.

  • Customized CPR and first aid training for different professions:

The level of need for CPR and first aid skills differs from one profession to another. Training institutions are currently customizing the training content to match the needs for different professions. The training programs are designed depending on the nature of work and risks involved. There are first aid and CPR programs for healthcare providers such as doctors, nurses, emergency response teams and hospital staff. Other professions with special CPR and first aid programs include lifeguards, security guards, drivers, teachers, flight attendants, care givers for the elderly and nannies among others.  Advantages realized from the customized CPR and first aid programs include:

  • The development of a more focused program:

The special CPR and first aid courses provide skills that are more relevant to the learner. The level of skill and knowledge offered is also deeper as compared to the general certification programs.

The training is more specific to the needs of the learners in that particular profession. Those taking the program are also at an advantage as they acquire more useful skills, which they can apply in their daily lives. The content provided is of higher quality as learners get information that of better quality which they can relate with. 

  • Employers providing training for their staff:

Customized certifications create better and more cost effective avenues  make employers in the development of their staff. Employers are now encompassing first aid and CPR certifications in their staff development programs to provide knowledge and as a way of motivating their employees at work. Health emergencies are common at the work place. They could be in the form of accidents and heart attacks. Employers are required by the law to have some safety measures in place and training programs to ensure employee safety as they carry out their normal duties. While some employers make it a basic requirement for their employees to have these certifications, others provide the training at their own cost. 

Benefits of Online CPR Classes:

  • Preventable health emergencies at the work place can be avoided before they occur. 
  • Organizations with first aid certified employees are at a lower risk of employee injury and related costly law suits. 
  • Employees can also ensure their own safety as they undertake their routine tasks. 
  • They also feel safe at the work place as accidents are kept at minimum. As employees feel safer at their places of work, their productivity increases.
  • In case health emergencies occur, the staff are skilled on how to act. Fatalities are reduced as employees take care of their colleagues in emergency situations.
  • Health emergencies are also handled in a more professional way without causing damages to the image of the institution. Injuries at the work place can taint the public perception of the institution which can affect business negatively.
  • Some institutions provide CPR and first aid training for their staff at the cost of the institution which creates employee loyalty and good will.

5 Benefits of CPR Training for Employees at Workplace

  1. Empowering: Through CPR training employees will feel empowered by being able to lend a helping hand and rescue a coworker. Through CPR training employee will gain confidence to perform CPR and manage emergency situation accordingly. To be able to take the CPR lessons outside the workplace will gain you the confidence to be able to help strangers on the street outside of the workplace.
  2. Knowledge: Employees will learn specific knowledge through the CPR classes such as what’s inside a First aid kit. They will be informed on vocabulary and techniques to use when performing CPR which they wouldn’t have known otherwise.
  3. Survival Rate: Through CPR classes employees will retain the knowledge to help if an employees were to stop breathing or went into cardiac arrest. CPR trained employees will be able to react and perform CPR immediately which will increase their chance of survival.
  4. Respect: CPR certification not only brings empowered, knowledge and higher survival rate but also respect from friends, family and employees. With your CPR certification your colleagues will trust and rely on you in emergency situation which can make you feel important and responsible.
  5. Positive work environment: By making CPR readily available to employees, employers can show their workplace that they care and provide a safe work environment. CPR classes also create an excellent team-building exercise to boost employees morale.
 Also Read- What Every Professional Needs to Know About First Aid in Our Daily Life?  

CPR training can saves lives and by taking life-saving classes their is an increase chance of the person survival. It significantly reduces the risk of person`s suffering damage to his/her heart, brain and other vital organs. CPR can keep the body oxygenated until professional medical help arrives.

It’s important to hire the right people to train employee for the CPR classes. By hiring a team of experts who provide corporate CPR certification will be beneficial and provide the right training and knowledge to the employees. A professional team will come to your job site to provide CPR classes to all employees. They will be able to tailor the lessons to each employee and give one on one attention to each employee to make sure they are retaining and absorbing the information.

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Eye Injuries and First Aid

Eye injuries can result from industrial or domestic accidents. The eye is a sensitive organ and any injury to the eye should be treated as an emergency to protect vision and prevent complications. There are different types of injuries: chemical, foreign object, blow to the eye and puncture or cuts.

Chemical Injuries

Chemicals accidentally flash into our eyes, and are very painful. The most dangerous chemical burns occur from strong alkalis and strong acids. We should always wear safety glasses when handling abrasive substances and chemicals to protect our eyes from these injuries. Some substances likely to cause injuries include fertilizers, detergents, drain cleaners, motor, plaster, concrete and lime products. Chemical burns on the cornea of the eye can result in scarring, infection, perforation and blindness.

When chemicals splash into our eyes, we should remain as calm as possible and try to keep the eyes open. Closing the eyes spreads and traps the chemicals inside. Flash the eyes with a lot of water for 20minutes. The eyes should remain open as you do so.  Immediately seek specialized treatment. You should call the poisons control centers to provide further assistance and explain the type of chemical.

Foreign Object in the Eye

In most cases the eye cleans out dirt and other small particles. When an object enters your eye, you should avoid rubbing which results in further damage. Lift the upper eyelid and place it over the lower one, then try to roll your eye round. With your eye open flush the eyes with a lot of water. Repeat the procedure until the object comes out. Have a doctor check your eyes for any damage or remaining particles. The eye doctor will use specialized light to assess any injuries and provide the necessary treatment.

Do not attempt to remove an objects that is stuck in the eye. Cover the eye with a gauze or shield and rush to the hospital.

Blow to the Eye

Blows to the eye might be minor or major depending on the extent of damage. Minor injuries can heal on their own, however you should monitor the injury for complications such as infection. If you suffer a blow to the eye, gently apply a cold compression on the eye for five to ten minutes. Allow the same amount of time then apply gain. Do not apply the directly on the skin. You can wrap the ice in a piece of cloth then apply on the injured eye. Call the doctor for assessment. It is important to establish the extent of the injury and get the necessary medication. After 24hours use a warm compression on the eye to reduce the bruising. See a doctor if you notice any signs of infection. The following are symptoms of eye infection:

  • Drainage from the eye
  • Persistent pain
  • Bleeding
  • Change in vision
  • Any visible change or abnormalities in the eye
Cuts or Puncture on the Eye

Most eye injuries occur on the eye lid due to the reflex action of the eye to close to avoid injuries. SeekSeek immediate medical care if you suffer a cut or puncture to your eye. As part of first aid:

  • Do not attempt to clean or wash the eye
  • Do not attempt to remove any object stuck in the eye
  • Wear an eye shoes or improvise one (to improvise, split a paper cup and tape the bottom part over the injured eye).
Thermal Burns

Burns to the eye are treated as normal burns. Burns on the eyes are medical emergencies. Immediately call for emergency medical services. Remove the source of heat and move the victim to safety. Run cold water over the burn. Do not run water over major burns, instead seek immediate treatment from a doctor. Do not break any blisters as it leads to loss of water from the victims body and also infections. Place a clean bandage over the burn and seek specialized treatment.

The eye is a sensitive body organ. Injuries to the eye can lead to complications and blindness. To protect your eyes from damage and injuries:

  • Avoid looking directly at the sun especially during an eclipse.
  • Take note of instructions before using machines or playing games.
  • Wear sunglasses that protect your eyes from UVA and UVB rays from the sun when going outside.
  • Wear protective goggles and glasses during sporting activities and when using fireworks.
  • Always wear an helmet with a face mask during high impact activities and when around shooting devices.
  • Wear protective goggles or facial mask when cleaning or handling chemicals.
  • Clean your hands thoroughly after touching chemicals.
  • Be cautious when opening wine bottles and carbonated drinks.
  • Always wear eye protection when using weed trimmer and lawn mower.
The original post published here.
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5 Benefits of Basic Life Support (BLS) Training

Here are the 5 Benefits of Basic Life Support (BLS) Training:

  • Provides the rescuer with confidence to save lives

One of the reasons why in most cases, when accidents and health emergencies occur, bystanders don’t know how to respond. For this reason, most victims lose lives. This lack of knowledge and information also creates fear for bystanders. In some instances, people involved in accidents and other health don’t receive any help from bystanders as they fear touching the wound result in further harm or cause pain. 

It is normal to experience such feelings more so due to a lack of skills and experience. Basic life support provides the individual with skills and hands-on experience, providing sufficient knowledge and life-saving skills. The basic life support knowledge and skills are pretty rewarding. It increases the individual’s wealth of expertise in health. As a result, the individual leads a healthier life which extends to those around. Additionally, this knowledge improves individuals’ social skills as they have more to share with their friends and family.  Continue reading

What are Advantages of CPR Training?

Below are some of the advantages of CPR training classes:

Performing Rescue Breathing:

The skills and knowledge acquired in CPR are applicable in different areas of life. CPR training offers capabilities on rescue breathing to bring back victims who have stopped breathing. It can be in the case of severe asthma attacks, carbon monoxide poisoning, choking, near drawing, and poisoning/overdose.

The procedure involves the provision of oxygen to the lungs of the victim through their mouth, nose, or both. CPR classes provide skills on how to perform the procedure safely. In most cases, persons are hesitant to give mouth to mouth to strangers. Therefore, a barrier is most suitable in artificial ventilation, especially in cases of strangers.

In the case of cardiac arrest, it is advisable to do hands-only or chest compressions if barriers are not available. With quality chest compressions, the oxygen within the victim’s blood can sustain the vital organs for several minutes before emergency help arrives.

Emergencies Can Occur Anywhere When Least Expected:

CPR is not performed enough due to the unavailability of skills and training. According to the  research findings, close to 200,000 lives could be saved every year with effective CPR. When a cardiac arrest emergency occurs away from the hospital, the victim’s survival depends on the people around to give the necessary assistance.

The cases of persons dying from sudden cardiac arrest are on the rise. However, CPR certified persons remain limited. CPR skills are needed in our society as no one sees such emergencies coming. When such crises occur at home and to a loved one, a skilled family member would know how to act, especially if no one else is around to help.

The Performance of CPR Prevents Brain Death:

People who experience cardiac arrest are at risk of suffering permanent brain damage, leaving them bedridden or unable to perform normal daily functions. This is because the chest compressions performed on cardiac arrest victims ensure the brain retains the required oxygen to prevent the massive death of its cells.

CPR Gives the Confidence to Save Lives:

CPR trained persons can give quality CPR where needed and save lives. Every second that passes without CPR is a step to the grave in a cardiac arrest situation. Unfortunately, most bystanders are reluctant to offer assistance to cardiac arrest victims as they fear hurting the victim. The skills and knowledge acquired in CPR certification offer the expertise that makes the individual ready to take up any emergencies. Chest compressions are the only help you could provide a cardiac arrest victim as you await emergency help.

CPR is Crucial During Cardiac Arrest Cases:

Early recognition of a cardiac arrest case gives room for saving a life. The ability to distinguish a cardiac arrest from other health emergencies is very critical. Trained persons have the know-how to tell when a victim goes into cardiac arrest. The CPR program offers skills to check for signs of life in victims and tell when CPR is necessary. An unskilled person can easily misdiagnose and give the wrong assistance, risking the victim’s life.

CPR Boosts Self-Worth:

Having CPR certification increases a person’s value and self-worth. Any knowledge in first aid is an asset to the owner. In the CPR training and certification course, learners acquire new skills and a wealth of knowledge they’re didn’t have before.

Whenever you save a person’s life, you become a hero to that person and those that care about him or her. It also leaves you with a sense of fulfillment. On the other hand, being a bystander in an emergency leaves you with guilt if the person involved dies. With CPR certification, you always know how to act, whether alone or in teams, and offer the necessary help.

The Skills and Certification Could Earn You Your Next Job

CPR certification is a requirement in some careers, such as a lifeguard and security guards. If you are interested in pursuing such careers, your CPR certification will come in handy.

When job hunting, a CPR certification could make the difference between you and the next person. Only about 3% of the total American population gets CPR certification annually. As a result, employers are more comfortable knowing that their personnel can handle health emergencies at the workplace. Presenting your CPR certification in a job interview could be the ticket to your dream job.

It Offers Hope and Prevents Panicking:

Health emergencies cause a lot of anxiety and uncertainty to loved ones. A skilled person is the only source of hope for the victim before emergency medical assistance arrives. CPR training offers skills on how to manage a healthy emergency and calm down people around to prevent panic.

CPR certified persons would easily manage a situation offering the required help without causing panic or panicking. Whenever a skilled person is in charge of a cardiac arrest emergency, there is a chance the victim will make it through, which gives some reassurance to the loved ones.

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Importance of CPR Training for Teachers

Teachers and professors can benefit hugely by knowing CPR. It is an easy and simple procedure that can be administered during the most critical time when waiting for paramedics to arrive, and quite frankly, it saves lives.

CPR class can teach teachers all the steps necessary to save a life should the situation arise potentially. Many medical emergencies demonstrate just how many Americans still do not know CPR, which in many cases causes onlookers to be unable to react during the most critical time of a heart event. Learning the process of calling 911 immediately, then beginning chest compressions at a rate of 100 per minute, combined with mouth to mouth resuscitation increments, can also help provide the paramedics with valuable information regarding the time that has passed since the paramedics arrived.

A teacher or instructor providing CPR can prevent brain damage that can occur due to a lack of oxygen to the brain until medical help arrives. This easy procedure can ensure that the victim survives the heart event and return to a normal life. Everyone (particularly in large institutions like schools, colleges, or universities) needs to know CPR in an emergency situation.

CPR is only effective if administered within six to seven minutes after the cessation of blood flow through the victim’s body. It can most certainly take paramedics longer than six to seven minutes to arrive on the scene, making it paramount that someone starts CPR while waiting for medics to arrive. Once medical help is on the scene, they can begin performing electrical shock defibrillation on the heart, which will hopefully restart it. And thanks to the CPR being administered before they arrived, the victim may survive and be far more likely to return to his normal lifestyle.

Why Do School Teachers Need To Have A CPR Certification?


CPR formal training is becoming mandatory for teachers. Most states, including California and Washington DC, require school teachers to train CPR and First Aid. Some institutions add it to the teaching certificate curriculum as part of certification or re-certification. The CPR certification may vary from a requirement to having a certification. For example, in California, teachers must be certified in CPR to receive their teaching credentials, but most school districts in California do not require them to maintain their certification. 

If no one in school knows how to perform CPR, it could put students at risk since choking, asthma, and anaphylactic shock are breathing problems that could lead to cardiac arrest. In fact, at least 12,000 children are transported to hospitals each year from food choking injuries. This data shows that life-saving skills are something all teachers, especially public school teachers, cafeteria workers, and other school staff need to know. 

Read the full article here.

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Different Types of First Aid

When health emergencies occur, the responder needs to act first to figure out the type of emergency and figure out the appropriate solution. There are different first aid procedures, which vary depending on the type of emergency and the age of the victim.

  • Different types of wounds: Wounds result from injuries that cause the skin to open or tear up. The first aid for wounds depends on the cause of the injury and severity. These injuries can result from injuries by fire, hot objects, and fluids. Wounds could also occur from falls, cuts by sharp objects, and piercings. When providing first aid for damages, you need to assess the cause. Always keep in mind that injuries can quickly get infected and need to be handled with care.
  • Fractures and sprains: Fractures are cases of broken bones, while sprains occur from the injury of ligaments and tendons located within joints. Fractures are more severe and require should be treated as health emergencies. On the other hand, Sprains often heal on their own following a simple first-aid procedure and require less medical attention. Fractures are very painful and will at times require medical diagnosis through an X-ray to establish. You, therefore, need to pay special attention to such an injury to avoid further damage.
  • Animal and insect bites: an animal bite needs to be treated by trained medical personnel. Some animal bite injuries could be fatal depending on the type of animal and its health status.
    Insect bites can also lead to poisoning as well as an allergic reaction. The first aid procedures vary depending on the type of insect or animal.
  • Heat-related illnesses: these are injuries that occur from extreme temperatures. It could be extreme heat, heat exhaustion, or extreme cold (hypothermia and frostbites). Also, there are different first aid procedures for either.
  • CPR: CPR is a critical life-saving technique that applies to victims of cardiac arrest and choking. The procedure involves chest compressions and the use of the AED. The method for performing CPR is covered intensively in CPR certification and AED classes.

In CPR, the rescuer uses chest compressions to maintain blood circulation by providing an artificial heartbeat to the victim. The AED device is used to restore regular heart activity. Both of these procedures are critical in cardiac arrest cases. The faster they are performed, the better the chances of survival of the victim.

In most training institutions, both CPR and AED are covered under the same certification program. Just like first aid certification, CPR and AED certification is also available online and is open to all.

When choosing first aid and CPR classes, it is best to for a recognized training institution. There are many CPR and first aid training institutions available online, all promising to be accredited. However, you need to research these institutions’ credibility and choose one with excellent ratings and is AHA accredited.

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Advantages of Corporate CPR Certification

Here are the advantages of corporate CPR certification:

  • Increased Risk of Cardiac Arrest at the Workplace:

eople working in corporates spend most of their awake hours at work, which increases the likelihood of cardiac arrest occurring during the working hours. In such an event, it is always best for a CPR-certified individual to provide CPR and administer AED within the shortest time possible.

As we saw above, full-time employees have limited time for physical exercise, which puts them at an increased risk of suffering from heart and cardiovascular problems.

Stress associated with work is also another risk factor for cardiac arrest. This stress could result from limited time for recreation, lack of a robust support system or narrow social circle, and pressure from work in terms of performance and deadlines.

  • Cardiac Arrest is Fatal:

When cardiac arrest occurs, you cannot always count the emergency response services to get there to save the victim. Cardiac arrest victims will die in minutes if CPR is not provided in time.

The victim needs to receive CPR within the first few seconds following an attack failure to which they die. When cardiac arrest occurs, the victim has difficulty breathing or stops breathing altogether. The heart is also not pumping blood critical in supplying oxygen to the essential organs.

The brain requires higher levels of oxygen than any other organ in the human body. Suppose the supply of oxygen to the brain is insufficient. In that case, brain cells begin to die, the victim could suffer permanent brain damage. If prolonged, they could die.

CPR takes the form of chest compressions at the rate of 100 compressions per minute. These compressions work by providing an artificial heartbeat to the victim, enabling blood to pump through the body. Even without mouth-to-mouth ventilation, the human blood contains enough oxygen to sustain life for some minutes before professional help arrives.

The responder needs to do it right to save the life of the victim. Studies by the AHA show that the quality of CPR determines the survival of the victim. In this case, the responder needs to give the desired number of compressions per minute and the recommended depth depending on the victim’s age.

For this reason, CPR training or certification is essential for everyone. If an organization can offer training for its employees, it could save lives within and outside the organization.

  • CPR Training Eensures Safety at the Workplace:

When employees are equipped with CPR and first aid skills, they feel much safer at work because they know they can handle any emergencies that could occur. More importantly, it helps reduce the cases of cardiac arrest at the workplace.

The training also helps organizations and individuals take the necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of these emergencies. Since everyone is aware of the risk of cardiac arrest and the associated outcomes, they can make lifestyle adjustments to prevent such cases.

The risk of cardiac arrest is reduced as employees can do regular medical check-ups. It could be on their cholesterol, diabetes, and other underlying conditions that increase the risk of cardiac arrest.

Organizations that acknowledge the importance of CPR training are also likely to offer the necessary assistance and provide a conducive working environment for their staff. This may involve the creation of appropriate work schedules, a stress-free work environment, free gym services, and free medical check-ups.

  • CPR Classes are Easily Accessible:

As stated above, everyone is eligible for CPR training. Also, the cost of training for CPR is quite affordable. An individual will pay less than $20 for the CPR certification that is valid for two years.

CPR training for organizations is also more advantageous. This applies more to organizations that opt for group CPR certifications for their employees. CPR certification providers offer great rates for groups and organizations, which are often cheaper than individual training, depending on the size of the group.

These training institutions can also offer better and more customized CPR training sessions depending on the nature of the organization and the risks involved. The training organization can also choose which schedules are best suited for them and their staff.

For in-house training, the organizational management can organize training schedules matching their needs, ensuring that this course is available to all staff members.

While some organizations opt to pay for their employees, others will require them to take up the training independently. Paying for this training as part of the staff development programs can be quite beneficial in boosting the staff morale.

Online CPR Certification for Corporates

The availability of online healthcare training classes has made it easier for employees whose jobs require mandatory CPR training to acquire and renew their certification. The benefits offered by online CPR certifications are difficult to ignore as it provides flexibility.

Professionals with busy schedules can take up CPR training and certification at their own convenience. Online CPR programs are not limited by time or space. As a result, individuals can take up the training anytime of choice and from anywhere.

Online CPR certification is also helpful for persons within different time zones with the training institution. Additionally, it is also much cheaper than in-person training. If the organization is looking at cutting on the training cost, this could be a good option.

Also, online training is highly recommended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is because online training does not require travelling, and there is no risk of exposure to the Covid-19 virus.

Read the complete article here.
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