What are Advantages of CPR Training?

Below are some of the advantages of CPR training classes:

Performing Rescue Breathing:

The skills and knowledge acquired in CPR are applicable in different areas of life. CPR training offers capabilities on rescue breathing to bring back victims who have stopped breathing. It can be in the case of severe asthma attacks, carbon monoxide poisoning, choking, near drawing, and poisoning/overdose.

The procedure involves the provision of oxygen to the lungs of the victim through their mouth, nose, or both. CPR classes provide skills on how to perform the procedure safely. In most cases, persons are hesitant to give mouth to mouth to strangers. Therefore, a barrier is most suitable in artificial ventilation, especially in cases of strangers.

In the case of cardiac arrest, it is advisable to do hands-only or chest compressions if barriers are not available. With quality chest compressions, the oxygen within the victim’s blood can sustain the vital organs for several minutes before emergency help arrives.

Emergencies Can Occur Anywhere When Least Expected:

CPR is not performed enough due to the unavailability of skills and training. According to the  research findings, close to 200,000 lives could be saved every year with effective CPR. When a cardiac arrest emergency occurs away from the hospital, the victim’s survival depends on the people around to give the necessary assistance.

The cases of persons dying from sudden cardiac arrest are on the rise. However, CPR certified persons remain limited. CPR skills are needed in our society as no one sees such emergencies coming. When such crises occur at home and to a loved one, a skilled family member would know how to act, especially if no one else is around to help.

The Performance of CPR Prevents Brain Death:

People who experience cardiac arrest are at risk of suffering permanent brain damage, leaving them bedridden or unable to perform normal daily functions. This is because the chest compressions performed on cardiac arrest victims ensure the brain retains the required oxygen to prevent the massive death of its cells.

CPR Gives the Confidence to Save Lives:

CPR trained persons can give quality CPR where needed and save lives. Every second that passes without CPR is a step to the grave in a cardiac arrest situation. Unfortunately, most bystanders are reluctant to offer assistance to cardiac arrest victims as they fear hurting the victim. The skills and knowledge acquired in CPR certification offer the expertise that makes the individual ready to take up any emergencies. Chest compressions are the only help you could provide a cardiac arrest victim as you await emergency help.

CPR is Crucial During Cardiac Arrest Cases:

Early recognition of a cardiac arrest case gives room for saving a life. The ability to distinguish a cardiac arrest from other health emergencies is very critical. Trained persons have the know-how to tell when a victim goes into cardiac arrest. The CPR program offers skills to check for signs of life in victims and tell when CPR is necessary. An unskilled person can easily misdiagnose and give the wrong assistance, risking the victim’s life.

CPR Boosts Self-Worth:

Having CPR certification increases a person’s value and self-worth. Any knowledge in first aid is an asset to the owner. In the CPR training and certification course, learners acquire new skills and a wealth of knowledge they’re didn’t have before.

Whenever you save a person’s life, you become a hero to that person and those that care about him or her. It also leaves you with a sense of fulfillment. On the other hand, being a bystander in an emergency leaves you with guilt if the person involved dies. With CPR certification, you always know how to act, whether alone or in teams, and offer the necessary help.

The Skills and Certification Could Earn You Your Next Job

CPR certification is a requirement in some careers, such as a lifeguard and security guards. If you are interested in pursuing such careers, your CPR certification will come in handy.

When job hunting, a CPR certification could make the difference between you and the next person. Only about 3% of the total American population gets CPR certification annually. As a result, employers are more comfortable knowing that their personnel can handle health emergencies at the workplace. Presenting your CPR certification in a job interview could be the ticket to your dream job.

It Offers Hope and Prevents Panicking:

Health emergencies cause a lot of anxiety and uncertainty to loved ones. A skilled person is the only source of hope for the victim before emergency medical assistance arrives. CPR training offers skills on how to manage a healthy emergency and calm down people around to prevent panic.

CPR certified persons would easily manage a situation offering the required help without causing panic or panicking. Whenever a skilled person is in charge of a cardiac arrest emergency, there is a chance the victim will make it through, which gives some reassurance to the loved ones.

 Enroll Now for Online CPR/AED Training and Certification Classes at just $19.99.  

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