Eye Injuries and First Aid

Eye injuries can result from industrial or domestic accidents. The eye is a sensitive organ and any injury to the eye should be treated as an emergency to protect vision and prevent complications. There are different types of injuries: chemical, foreign object, blow to the eye and puncture or cuts.

Chemical Injuries

Chemicals accidentally flash into our eyes, and are very painful. The most dangerous chemical burns occur from strong alkalis and strong acids. We should always wear safety glasses when handling abrasive substances and chemicals to protect our eyes from these injuries. Some substances likely to cause injuries include fertilizers, detergents, drain cleaners, motor, plaster, concrete and lime products. Chemical burns on the cornea of the eye can result in scarring, infection, perforation and blindness.

When chemicals splash into our eyes, we should remain as calm as possible and try to keep the eyes open. Closing the eyes spreads and traps the chemicals inside. Flash the eyes with a lot of water for 20minutes. The eyes should remain open as you do so.  Immediately seek specialized treatment. You should call the poisons control centers to provide further assistance and explain the type of chemical.

Foreign Object in the Eye

In most cases the eye cleans out dirt and other small particles. When an object enters your eye, you should avoid rubbing which results in further damage. Lift the upper eyelid and place it over the lower one, then try to roll your eye round. With your eye open flush the eyes with a lot of water. Repeat the procedure until the object comes out. Have a doctor check your eyes for any damage or remaining particles. The eye doctor will use specialized light to assess any injuries and provide the necessary treatment.

Do not attempt to remove an objects that is stuck in the eye. Cover the eye with a gauze or shield and rush to the hospital.

Blow to the Eye

Blows to the eye might be minor or major depending on the extent of damage. Minor injuries can heal on their own, however you should monitor the injury for complications such as infection. If you suffer a blow to the eye, gently apply a cold compression on the eye for five to ten minutes. Allow the same amount of time then apply gain. Do not apply the directly on the skin. You can wrap the ice in a piece of cloth then apply on the injured eye. Call the doctor for assessment. It is important to establish the extent of the injury and get the necessary medication. After 24hours use a warm compression on the eye to reduce the bruising. See a doctor if you notice any signs of infection. The following are symptoms of eye infection:

  • Drainage from the eye
  • Persistent pain
  • Bleeding
  • Change in vision
  • Any visible change or abnormalities in the eye
Cuts or Puncture on the Eye

Most eye injuries occur on the eye lid due to the reflex action of the eye to close to avoid injuries. SeekSeek immediate medical care if you suffer a cut or puncture to your eye. As part of first aid:

  • Do not attempt to clean or wash the eye
  • Do not attempt to remove any object stuck in the eye
  • Wear an eye shoes or improvise one (to improvise, split a paper cup and tape the bottom part over the injured eye).
Thermal Burns

Burns to the eye are treated as normal burns. Burns on the eyes are medical emergencies. Immediately call for emergency medical services. Remove the source of heat and move the victim to safety. Run cold water over the burn. Do not run water over major burns, instead seek immediate treatment from a doctor. Do not break any blisters as it leads to loss of water from the victims body and also infections. Place a clean bandage over the burn and seek specialized treatment.

The eye is a sensitive body organ. Injuries to the eye can lead to complications and blindness. To protect your eyes from damage and injuries:

  • Avoid looking directly at the sun especially during an eclipse.
  • Take note of instructions before using machines or playing games.
  • Wear sunglasses that protect your eyes from UVA and UVB rays from the sun when going outside.
  • Wear protective goggles and glasses during sporting activities and when using fireworks.
  • Always wear an helmet with a face mask during high impact activities and when around shooting devices.
  • Wear protective goggles or facial mask when cleaning or handling chemicals.
  • Clean your hands thoroughly after touching chemicals.
  • Be cautious when opening wine bottles and carbonated drinks.
  • Always wear eye protection when using weed trimmer and lawn mower.
The original post published here.
 Enroll Now for Online CPR/AED Training and Certification Classes at just $19.99.  

Different Types of First Aid

When health emergencies occur, the responder needs to act first to figure out the type of emergency and figure out the appropriate solution. There are different first aid procedures, which vary depending on the type of emergency and the age of the victim.

  • Different types of wounds: Wounds result from injuries that cause the skin to open or tear up. The first aid for wounds depends on the cause of the injury and severity. These injuries can result from injuries by fire, hot objects, and fluids. Wounds could also occur from falls, cuts by sharp objects, and piercings. When providing first aid for damages, you need to assess the cause. Always keep in mind that injuries can quickly get infected and need to be handled with care.
  • Fractures and sprains: Fractures are cases of broken bones, while sprains occur from the injury of ligaments and tendons located within joints. Fractures are more severe and require should be treated as health emergencies. On the other hand, Sprains often heal on their own following a simple first-aid procedure and require less medical attention. Fractures are very painful and will at times require medical diagnosis through an X-ray to establish. You, therefore, need to pay special attention to such an injury to avoid further damage.
  • Animal and insect bites: an animal bite needs to be treated by trained medical personnel. Some animal bite injuries could be fatal depending on the type of animal and its health status.
    Insect bites can also lead to poisoning as well as an allergic reaction. The first aid procedures vary depending on the type of insect or animal.
  • Heat-related illnesses: these are injuries that occur from extreme temperatures. It could be extreme heat, heat exhaustion, or extreme cold (hypothermia and frostbites). Also, there are different first aid procedures for either.
  • CPR: CPR is a critical life-saving technique that applies to victims of cardiac arrest and choking. The procedure involves chest compressions and the use of the AED. The method for performing CPR is covered intensively in CPR certification and AED classes.

In CPR, the rescuer uses chest compressions to maintain blood circulation by providing an artificial heartbeat to the victim. The AED device is used to restore regular heart activity. Both of these procedures are critical in cardiac arrest cases. The faster they are performed, the better the chances of survival of the victim.

In most training institutions, both CPR and AED are covered under the same certification program. Just like first aid certification, CPR and AED certification is also available online and is open to all.

When choosing first aid and CPR classes, it is best to for a recognized training institution. There are many CPR and first aid training institutions available online, all promising to be accredited. However, you need to research these institutions’ credibility and choose one with excellent ratings and is AHA accredited.

Read the complete article here.

 Enroll Now for Online CPR/AED Training and Certification Classes at just $19.99.  

Tips for Low The Cholesterol Level in Body

Choice of diet:

We can regulate the levels of cholesterol in the blood through a change of diet. Here are some healthy eating habits:

Reduce the intake of saturated fats:

These fats are made of glyceride and fatty acids, and are solid at room temperature. Saturated fats increase the levels of low lipid proteins (bad cholesterol) in the body. According to the American Heart Association, a daily intake of saturated fats should be 13grams or 2000calories per day. Foods containing saturated fats are dairy products and red meat such as lamb, pork and beef. Protein foods with lower levels of cholesterol include fish, chicken and plant proteins. You should also aim at increasing unsaturated fats in your diet. Unsaturated fats are good as they are critical in maintaining good heart health by fighting cholesterol. An example is omega 3 fatty acids found in fish which helps in different body functions.

Increase the intake of foods high fiber:

These include foods such as fruits, vegetables and wholegrains. There are two types of fiber; soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the body by binding with the bad cholesterol preventing it’s absorption into the body. When absorbed into the body, soluble fiber helps preventing the formation of plague within blood vessels. 

Reducing on the intake of processed foods:

Processed foods are high in cholesterol and should be avoided.  These include foods such as sausages, bacon and hotdogs. 

Reducing on trans fats:

Trans fats are hydrogenated fats such as margarine. The use of partially hydrogenated oils has been banned by the food and drugs administration due to their cholesterol levels. 

Physical exercise:

Physical activity helps in enhancing the cholesterol levels in the body. It is recommended for one to exercise for 30minutes five times a week. Studies done by AHA also show that physical exercise increases the levels of good cholesterol. Physical exercise also helps in maintaining a healthy body weight, improving on mental health and staying fit. Everyone has their own work out techniques. 

Tracking your heart rate while working out will help you meet your work out goals. The heart rate tells how much energy is going into the activity, and the values are depended on the age of the individual. Persons with health conditions should consult their doctors on the type of activity that would work best for them. There are different physical activities one can engage in such as walking, swimming, jogging and running. The choice of physical activity is dependent on the individual’s hobbies and physical abilities. 

Reducing alcohol:

Excessive intake of alcohol is has a negative effect on the human body. In the liver, alcohol is broken down into cholesterol and triglycerides. When taken regularly in large amounts, alcohol increases the levels of cholesterol in the blood. Increased levels of triglycerides in the liver leads to a condition known as fatty liver disease. The condition affects the functioning of the liver reducing it’s ability to remove cholesterol from the blood. Other effects of the liver are linked to the he cholesterol levels and they include increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, pancreatic diseases and other cancers. 

How much alcohol is safe? The recommended levels of alcohol per week are 14 units. The 14 units should be spread throughout the week with some days being alcohol free. For safety, an individual should not exceed six units in six hours as this could overwork your liver. The body can only process 10ml of pure alcohol per hour. 

These recommendation are also safe for persons with high cholesterol levels. There are, however, some health conditions which should bar the individual completely from alcohol. If you have a health condition, it is crucial to consult with your doctor whether or not you should take alcohol.

Tips to help limit alcohol intake:

  • Always check the alcohol percentages in your drink
  • Let alcohol accompany a meal
  • Too up your drink with ice or water to make it last longer
  • Drink slowly by taking small sips

Alcoholism is a disease. If you are having trouble controlling your drinking seek help from a specialist or support group.

Reducing smoking:

Smoking has adverse effects on health. The best healthy advice for anyone is to quit smoking. Smoke from cigarettes contains thousands of harmful substances. Apart from raising the levels of cholesterol, smoking increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. The blood of a smoker is also thicker and carries lower levels of oxygen. The risk of having blood clots is also higher. 

Studies show that smoking worsens the type of cholesterol by making it thicker and easier to stick to the blood vessels. It also lowers the levels of good cholesterol (High density lipoproteins). The good cholesterol helps ferry away the bad cholesterol and prevent it from clinging onto blood vessels. 

Smoke from cigarettes damages blood arteries. As cholesterol moves along the vessels, it sticks to the damaged parts leading to coronary artery disease. For smokers, blood vessels clog up faster, lessening the flow of blood. The thinning and hardening of blood vessels makes it more difficult for blood to flow through. The individual starts experiencing a faster heart rate as the heart gets overworked.

Your health starts to improve once you stop smoking. Your ability to exercise also improves, your breathing gets better and the stress levels fall. You should consult your doctor if you are having trouble quitting. It’s not easy, but the long-term effects on your health are worth the effort.

Getting enough sleep:

Too much or too little sleep can have a negative effect on your cholesterol. Sleeping less than five hours a night or more than  eight hours will raise the levels of triglycerides and lower the levels of good cholesterol. It is critical to establish healthy sleeping patterns. An adult should sleep for eight hours a night. Younger children sleep longer and the effects are different. If you have trouble sleeping, your doctor might recommend some medications. The following tips will help you improve the quality of your sleep:

  • Avoid taking alcohol and caffeine before going to bed
  • Create some sleeping routines by going to bed at a specific time
  • Avoid certain habits that will keep you up such as using the phone before going to bed, reading and watching movies.

Manage stress:

Stress increases the levels of cholesterol in the body. The hormone (cortisol) produced under stress are said to increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Adrenaline is also produced that raises the levels of triglycerides in the blood. There are different ways to manage stress. Long-term stress will not only affect your cholesterol but also the quality of life. Stress leads to depression and other mental disorders which can result in suicide. It is best to talk to someone or seek specialized help whenever we feel overwhelmed. 

 Enroll Now for Online CPR/AED Training and Certification Classes at just $19.99.  

Symptoms and First Aid for the Asthma Attack

Asthma attacks occur when the individual is exposed to triggers, shock, pollution etc. Most people have mild symptoms which last for a few hours and end soon after medication. Other cases are severe and can lead to death. Severe asthma attacks require quick medical attention. It is crucial to recognize the symptoms of an asthma attack early enough and get the appropriate treatment. If other treated immediately, the victims breathing continues to worsen becoming more labored and the wheezing louder.

During asthma episodes, the lungs tighten limiting air flow, this produces the wheezing sound. As the attack worsens, the lungs become tighter and the wheezing sound stops. The silent state (known as silent chest) is grave and you should immediately call emergency medical help (911) or rush the victim to the hospital. Most people assume that the victim is getting better when the wheezing stops which is very wrong. Without medication, the victim will stop speaking and acquire a bluish tint on the lips (cyanosis). As body organs suffer oxygen shortage, the victim might collapse, fall unconscious and eventually die.

It is important to recognize early signs of asthma and seek treatment before the victim condition gets worse. Before an attack the person will experience mild symptoms which are least likely to interrupt their daily activities.

The early symptoms of an asthma attack include:

  • Frequent coughs which occur mostly at night
  • Shortness of breath
  • Lower peak flow meter readings
  • Tiring easily especially after exercising
  • General body weakness
  • Trouble sleeping which occur from night-time asthma
  • Signs of allergies or cold which include running nose, headache sore throat, nose congestion and sore throat.

First Aid for the Patitents Having the Asthma Attack

When you encounter a victim having asthma attack, treat it as an emergency and call medical services by dialing 911. Important to note that the victims condition can worsen very fast.

  • First let the victim sit in a relaxed position
  • Loosen any tight clothing
  • If the victim has an inhaler, let them use it immediately
  • If no inhaler available, use one from a first aid kit
  • Do not use another person’s inhaler

How to Use an Inhaler With a Spacer?

  • Use inhaler with a spacer if available
  • Take off the inhaler cap and shake it properly
  • Place the inhaler in the spacer
  • Instruct the victim to breath out completely.
  • Have the victim place their mouth tightly around the spacer mouthpiece.
  • Deliver a puff by pressing the inhaler once
  • The victim should then breath in slowly through their mouth and hold in breath for ten seconds.
  • Allow one minute between puffs
  • Give the victim four puffs

How to use Inhaler without spacer

  • Loose the cap and shake the inhaler
  • Have the victim breath out completely
  • Place the inhaler mouthpiece around the victims mouth
  • Let the person breath in slowly for about five to ten seconds as you press the inhaler once, then hold their breath for ten seconds.
  • Give the victim four puffs each one minute apart.
  • Allow the victims four minutes and if the victim still has trouble breathing after the four puffs, give them another four. If no improvement in the victims breathing after the next set of puffs, give up to eight puffs every 20 minutes to a maximum of four hours until emergency medical services arrive.
  • Monitor the victim until emergency response teams arrives. Drowsiness and loss of the wheezing could be a sign of worsening of the victims condition.

The post originally published here.

 Enroll Now for Online CPR/AED Training and Certification Classes at just $19.99.  

Basic Life Saving Skills, Everyone Must Know


Vital Life-Saving Skills You Should Possess


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is easy to learn the life-saving technique. It is the only known first aid and life-saving skill applied to cardiac arrest victims. CPR is known to increase the chances of survival in the victim by 50%.

The number of persons enrolling for CPR classes is below the recommended range. Cardiac arrest cases are also on the rise, and the chances of having a trained person within the proximity are low. It is, therefore, necessary to have more CPR certified individuals.

The Use of AED:

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) is an important device used to restore the heart rhythm to cardiac arrest victims. The performance of CPR alongside the AED is essential in the revival of cardiac arrest victims. It is trained long side CPR in various institutions. The equipment is easy to use and available in most public facilities throughout the United States.

Heimlich Maneuver:

The Heimlich maneuver is a first-aid technique that helps dislodge objects obstructing choking persons. Choking occurs more in children and infants than adults. The procedure differs pending on the age bracket of the victim. Interested persons can enroll for a first aid training course on various online first aid training platforms.

Controlling Bleeding:

When accidents occur, the victims are at risk of bleeding to death. First aid training offers skills on how to stop flowing to prevent excessive loss of blood. The first aid course is readily available on various online platforms.

Managing of Burns:

Burns are quite painful, and depending on the severity could lead to loss of life. The scars left behind as the wound heals can alter the life of the victim.

The first assistance offered to burn victims relieves pain. Providing the best first aid techniques prevents the burn from extending. Proper handling of an injury accelerates the healing process.

Fire is an essential item in the life of a human being. Electrical faults can also result in disasters. Everyone should have the capacity to attend to a burn.

Escaping Building on Fire:

Being trapped in a burning building is one of the scariest experiences. Various institutions and online platforms offer skills of how to exit such situations—techniques on how to carry out rescue operations in saving lives.

Saving Oneself from a Sinking Car:

Though less common cars sink in rivers, lakes, and ocean waters. Skilled persons are less likely to panic, which increases the chances of getting out and saving themselves.

First aid training courses offer skills and knowledge on how to exit the car and swim to safety. When such incidents occur, help might not arrive at the scene early enough. If the passengers are unable to escape, they are at a higher risk of death.

Insect and Snake Bites:

Snakes and some insects are poisonous, and when not adequately attended to, the victim could die. The ability to manage such events could save a life.

Others include getting off a speeding car, prevention and treatment hypothermia, and handling electric shock victims.

How to Apply For Life-Saving Skills Courses?

No Minimum Qualification Required:

Life-saving skills such as first aid and CPR are open for anyone to enroll. The courses have no minimum educational requirements. Age is not a barrier either as a person, so all ages are allowed to register.

The Courses Are Available Online:

Individual institutions offer online first aid training on specified life skills. You can easily enroll for a life-saving course from home with your laptop and the Internet.

The training offers both knowledge and demonstrations. Upon completion of the training, the participants undertake a test for their levels of competence through an online exam. Persons who pass the test get certified instantly. The certificate is readily available as it can be printed online or delivered the same day.

Life-saving training also offers an opportunity for certified persons to refresh their skills after two years. Over time, approved persons are likely to rust due to a lack of frequent application of the skills.

Why Should You Acquire Life-Saving Skills?

It Could Earn You Mileage in Your Career:

Some life skills such as CPR and First Aid Training are essential requirements in some careers. Having such skills will, therefore, open up more opportunities for you.

Owners of organizations are also more likely to recruit people with life-saving skills. A first aid training could make a difference between you and the next person in an interview. People with life-saving skills become assets to an organization. When a life-threatening emergency occurs within an organization, the rescuer becomes a hero, and it could boost your career growth.

They Are Easy to Learn:

Life-saving skills are straightforward and realistic techniques that can be acquired by people of different mental abilities. The procedures applied to make use of the rescuer’s body and other available resources to save oneself and others in case of life-threatening emergencies.

Offers Skills on How to Get Away From Could Be Disasters:

In life-saving training, the trainee learns how to get away from a life-threatening situation. In such occurrences, the individual is also able to save other persons in similar cases.

Prevents Suffering and Faster Healing:

Some life-saving techniques aim at relieving pain and alleviate suffering in the victims. Proper administration of the best first aid techniques lowers the level of damage, preventing making the wounds less extensive.

You Could Save a Life:

Life-saving techniques target at saving lives. A certified person can save their own lives and those of others when disasters occur.

Training on life-saving techniques offers the individual the confidence they require to handle specific emergencies and save lives. Untrained persons are often afraid of doing the wrong thing and attracting legal suits. In the event of health emergencies, people to standby and watch as lives are lost.

Boosts Self-Worth:

The ability to help another person boosts an individual’s self-worth. Saving a life leaves a feeling of satisfaction within the individual. The inability to help oneself and others out of a life-threatening emergency leave the victim in a hopeless state, which results in panic.

The Knowledge Acquired Is Invaluable:

Life-saving courses offer a lot of knowledge. The information taught is applicable in other areas of life. Such knowledge can improve an individual’s quality of life. The knowledge and skills are also easily transferable to the loved ones and others who might need them.

Offers Ability to Prevent Health Emergencies From Occurring:

Life-saving techniques training provides the individual with skills on how to prevent certain dangerous events from occurring. Preventive measures taught in such courses apply to the routine activities.

The Rescue Mission Is More Effective With Skilled Persons:

A team of trained persons can coordinate a rescue operation and achieve greater success. Skilled persons are less likely to waste time. They can quickly form groups and follow with the known procedures carrying out tasks without stepping on each other’s toes.

Life-saving training covers skills on team operations and the different roles of the team members in separate incidents. The ability of the teams to work together determines the amount of time taken to complete a mission.

Skilled persons can keep the audience calm and at a safe distance. Overcrowding can quickly slow down a rescue process in case of a disaster. However, people give way when people are confident in the rescuer’s ability to save the lives of those involved.

Early Diagnosis:

The training offers skills in early recognition of specific emergency conditions and how to act on them. Some situations are urgent, and the victims must be attended to as soon as possible to save lives. First aid training, for instance, offers skills in diagnosing snake bites victims, choking persons, and sudden cardiac arrest. Only through proper diagnosis of the victim’s condition can the victim be saved.

The training also offers skills to help the rescuer define if a victim can be saved or is already dead. In case of a disaster involving multiple victims, the rescuer can comfortably concentrate on victims whose lives are at a higher risk of death.


Today, anyone can learn the basic Life-saving skills by joining the Online First Aid Training and Certification Courses. The procedure for registration is simple, and the course begins as soon after registration. The advantages of being a trainee on life-saving techniques are quite many. Skilled persons are quite confident, maintaining calm and calming down others in case of disasters. Certified persons are more likely to take the initiative to save a life when emergencies occur.

 Enroll Now for Online Basic Life Support Certification for $44.99.  

The post originally Published here

The Importance of First Aid Certification


Why Certify in CPR and First Aid

Even if you never come into contact with a sick person, an elderly person who may need emergency care, or a child that has certain risks, such as broken bones, cuts, scrapes, or choking, learning First Aid is invaluable because it is a set of skills that may one day save the life of someone you love, or even a perfect stranger.

In today’s competitive work environment, First Aid Certification may give you a leg up on your competition when applying for jobs.  Many companies recommend or even require First Aid and CPR Certification when employees begin their jobs, so having your First Aid Certification before you are hired can make you a more desirable candidate.  Companies that require First Aid Certification include anything from childcare workers to healthcare workers to even those in the food service and transportation industries.

How Can You Get First Aid Certification?

With technological advancements First Aid Certification has become faster, easier and more convenient than ever, which means that you can now gain a set of life-saving skills in no time at all. Unlike before when a First Aid Certification meant giving up an entire day, or even an entire weekend, now you can choose to certify in person or online. Certifying online is easy, inexpensive and you can do it in the comfort of your own home.  It also means that, wherever you are, you are armed with the skills and knowledge to assist someone in an emergency.

Basic First Aid Certification is vital. However, it is important to remember that once you take a First Aid course that you are not certified for life. You must re-certify a minimum of once every two years, depending on your certification provider so that you remember how to properly perform First Aid skills in a calm manner and with confidence.

What Will You Learn From the First Aid Certification Course?

Basic First Aid certification will cover important areas such as:

  • Recognizing an emergency
  • Assessing the scene and prioritize victims
  • Knowing if the scene is safe
  • Protecting yourself from disease transmission
  • How to safely and properly move a patient
  • Responding to common first aid emergencies like:
    • Burns
    • Broken bones
    • Sprains
    • Insect and animal bites
    • Cuts and bleeding emergencies

Most emergencies are unpredictable and happen outside of the hospital and are unexpected.  The best way to be prepared for these unexpected health emergencies is to get certified in First Aid.

CPR First Aid Certification & Your Career


If you have been searching the job boards recently, or have been on job interviews, you may have realized that many jobs now require that you be certified in CPR and First Aid. Even jobs that are unrelated to the healthcare field now require that their employees have a CPR and First Aid Certification.

Jobs that require CPR and First Aid Certification

  • Certified Nursing Assistants
  • Nurses
  • EMTs/Paramedics
  • Child Care Providers
  • Home Health Aides
  • Group Home Facilitators
  • Social Workers
  • Child Placement Workers
  • Logging Operations Workers
  • Dive Team Workers
  • Electrical Power, Generation Transmission and Distribution Workers
  • Construction Workers
  • Food Service Workers
  • Airline and Transportation Workers

Getting Ahead in Your Career

Did you know that by getting your CPR and First Aid Certification before you are hired, or even apply for a job, that you make yourself a more desirable candidate? With the job market as competitive as it is today, a CPR and First Aid Certification can actually help you get the job you want. Having these important certifications sets you apart from the hundreds of other applicants as a job candidate that takes initiative. It shows a prospective employer that you have taken the initiative to arm yourself with a set of lifesaving skills.

Online CPR and First Aid Certification

CPR and First Aid Certification used to take several days of lectures, PowerPoint presentations and endless practical demonstrations. But, thanks to the internet, Online CPR and First Aid Certifications are quick and convenient. With an online CPR and First Aid Certification you learn the material when you want, where you want, and how quickly you want.

With an Online CPR and First Aid Certification, you can access you course material 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can study, anytime, day or night. Rather than spending a weekend in a classroom, now you can view the online certification material in an interactive manner, with graphics, videos and even practice exams. When you feel you know the material, simply take the multiple-choice certification exams (you will need to take separate courses for CPR and First Aid) and when you obtain a passing score, your certification card can be printed instantly!

The most convenient aspect of getting your Online CPR and First Aid Certification is that everything is 100% online. You never have to step foot in a classroom and there are no face-to-face skills checks, however, some certification providers can arrange a skills check when necessary.