BLS Training for Kids: Things To Keep In Mind

Things to keep in mind, while giving basic life support (BLS) training to kids:

Discuss safety around the house – Kids may have a hard time grasping concepts about ocean safety or injuries that can occur while climbing a mountain. Keep your lesson easy for children to understand by discussing safety at home. Take a tour of your home together and talk about the possible injuries that can happen in each room, like burns or choking in the kitchen, and cuts in the garage. This allows children to see how accidents can happen right at home and they can see the hazards that are present every day.

Explore a first aid kit – Purchase a first aid kit, or assemble one together, and go through the contents with your child. For each item, explain what it is and encourage your child to think of a time when they would need to use that item. Teach them how to use each item in the kit and show them where you store it so they can easily access it in an emergency.

Brainstorm emergency situations – Many kids have a difficulty understanding the idea that first aid emergencies can happen to them or to the people they know. Spend time with your child talking about some of the common emergencies that can happen, like drowning, burns, heart attack, or heavy bleeding. Let your child contribute their own ideas so they are part of the conversation.

Teach kids to use the phone – In today’s world, most parents each have their own cell phone and many households do not have a landline. Younger children may not know how to use either type of phone and it’s important for them to have a lesson so they can call for help if needed. Teach them how to dial 911 and show them which buttons to press on the phone to make a call. Have them call a friend or relative on a regular basis so they have real experience using the phone.

Use videos to teach techniques – Many children respond better to visual lessons than they do to simply listening to you talk about first aid. There are plenty of great resources online or on YouTube where you and your child can watch first aid videos together. Look for videos created specifically for children to make sure they can understand the content and get the most benefit from what they see.

Practice makes perfect – Talking about first aid is one thing, but doing it is a different experience. Use a doll or stuffed toy to demonstrate first aid techniques to children and have them practice these skills themselves.

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 Enroll Now for Online CPR/AED Training and Certification Classes at just $19.99.  

Challenges and Benefits of e-Learning CPR Classes


Challenges Associated With e-Learning CPR Classes:

Online learning is quite beneficial to many. It however posses a set of challenges to the learner and the institution. Some of these challenges include:

  • Need for Discipline:

Online learning requires proper time management and self discipline. The flexibility of the course leaves learners too relaxed that many who enroll for the program don’t finish. Learning institutions also face related challenges of learners not finishing their training and others taking longer than necessary to attain their certification. 

  • Need for Interactive Learning Environment:

The interaction found in a classroom setting makes the learning process less fun. Learners are not able to actively engage their tutors. There is also less motivation among learners and their teacher. The learning environment is not challenging as students don’t compete among themselves.

  • Customized CPR and first aid training for different professions:

The level of need for CPR and first aid skills differs from one profession to another. Training institutions are currently customizing the training content to match the needs for different professions. The training programs are designed depending on the nature of work and risks involved. There are first aid and CPR programs for healthcare providers such as doctors, nurses, emergency response teams and hospital staff. Other professions with special CPR and first aid programs include lifeguards, security guards, drivers, teachers, flight attendants, care givers for the elderly and nannies among others.  Advantages realized from the customized CPR and first aid programs include:

  • The development of a more focused program:

The special CPR and first aid courses provide skills that are more relevant to the learner. The level of skill and knowledge offered is also deeper as compared to the general certification programs.

The training is more specific to the needs of the learners in that particular profession. Those taking the program are also at an advantage as they acquire more useful skills, which they can apply in their daily lives. The content provided is of higher quality as learners get information that of better quality which they can relate with. 

  • Employers providing training for their staff:

Customized certifications create better and more cost effective avenues  make employers in the development of their staff. Employers are now encompassing first aid and CPR certifications in their staff development programs to provide knowledge and as a way of motivating their employees at work. Health emergencies are common at the work place. They could be in the form of accidents and heart attacks. Employers are required by the law to have some safety measures in place and training programs to ensure employee safety as they carry out their normal duties. While some employers make it a basic requirement for their employees to have these certifications, others provide the training at their own cost. 

Benefits of Online CPR Classes:

  • Preventable health emergencies at the work place can be avoided before they occur. 
  • Organizations with first aid certified employees are at a lower risk of employee injury and related costly law suits. 
  • Employees can also ensure their own safety as they undertake their routine tasks. 
  • They also feel safe at the work place as accidents are kept at minimum. As employees feel safer at their places of work, their productivity increases.
  • In case health emergencies occur, the staff are skilled on how to act. Fatalities are reduced as employees take care of their colleagues in emergency situations.
  • Health emergencies are also handled in a more professional way without causing damages to the image of the institution. Injuries at the work place can taint the public perception of the institution which can affect business negatively.
  • Some institutions provide CPR and first aid training for their staff at the cost of the institution which creates employee loyalty and good will.

5 Benefits of CPR Training for Employees at Workplace

  1. Empowering: Through CPR training employees will feel empowered by being able to lend a helping hand and rescue a coworker. Through CPR training employee will gain confidence to perform CPR and manage emergency situation accordingly. To be able to take the CPR lessons outside the workplace will gain you the confidence to be able to help strangers on the street outside of the workplace.
  2. Knowledge: Employees will learn specific knowledge through the CPR classes such as what’s inside a First aid kit. They will be informed on vocabulary and techniques to use when performing CPR which they wouldn’t have known otherwise.
  3. Survival Rate: Through CPR classes employees will retain the knowledge to help if an employees were to stop breathing or went into cardiac arrest. CPR trained employees will be able to react and perform CPR immediately which will increase their chance of survival.
  4. Respect: CPR certification not only brings empowered, knowledge and higher survival rate but also respect from friends, family and employees. With your CPR certification your colleagues will trust and rely on you in emergency situation which can make you feel important and responsible.
  5. Positive work environment: By making CPR readily available to employees, employers can show their workplace that they care and provide a safe work environment. CPR classes also create an excellent team-building exercise to boost employees morale.
 Also Read- What Every Professional Needs to Know About First Aid in Our Daily Life?  

CPR training can saves lives and by taking life-saving classes their is an increase chance of the person survival. It significantly reduces the risk of person`s suffering damage to his/her heart, brain and other vital organs. CPR can keep the body oxygenated until professional medical help arrives.

It’s important to hire the right people to train employee for the CPR classes. By hiring a team of experts who provide corporate CPR certification will be beneficial and provide the right training and knowledge to the employees. A professional team will come to your job site to provide CPR classes to all employees. They will be able to tailor the lessons to each employee and give one on one attention to each employee to make sure they are retaining and absorbing the information.

 Enroll Now for Online CPR/AED Training and Certification Classes at just $19.99.  

What are Advantages of CPR Training?

Below are some of the advantages of CPR training classes:

Performing Rescue Breathing:

The skills and knowledge acquired in CPR are applicable in different areas of life. CPR training offers capabilities on rescue breathing to bring back victims who have stopped breathing. It can be in the case of severe asthma attacks, carbon monoxide poisoning, choking, near drawing, and poisoning/overdose.

The procedure involves the provision of oxygen to the lungs of the victim through their mouth, nose, or both. CPR classes provide skills on how to perform the procedure safely. In most cases, persons are hesitant to give mouth to mouth to strangers. Therefore, a barrier is most suitable in artificial ventilation, especially in cases of strangers.

In the case of cardiac arrest, it is advisable to do hands-only or chest compressions if barriers are not available. With quality chest compressions, the oxygen within the victim’s blood can sustain the vital organs for several minutes before emergency help arrives.

Emergencies Can Occur Anywhere When Least Expected:

CPR is not performed enough due to the unavailability of skills and training. According to the  research findings, close to 200,000 lives could be saved every year with effective CPR. When a cardiac arrest emergency occurs away from the hospital, the victim’s survival depends on the people around to give the necessary assistance.

The cases of persons dying from sudden cardiac arrest are on the rise. However, CPR certified persons remain limited. CPR skills are needed in our society as no one sees such emergencies coming. When such crises occur at home and to a loved one, a skilled family member would know how to act, especially if no one else is around to help.

The Performance of CPR Prevents Brain Death:

People who experience cardiac arrest are at risk of suffering permanent brain damage, leaving them bedridden or unable to perform normal daily functions. This is because the chest compressions performed on cardiac arrest victims ensure the brain retains the required oxygen to prevent the massive death of its cells.

CPR Gives the Confidence to Save Lives:

CPR trained persons can give quality CPR where needed and save lives. Every second that passes without CPR is a step to the grave in a cardiac arrest situation. Unfortunately, most bystanders are reluctant to offer assistance to cardiac arrest victims as they fear hurting the victim. The skills and knowledge acquired in CPR certification offer the expertise that makes the individual ready to take up any emergencies. Chest compressions are the only help you could provide a cardiac arrest victim as you await emergency help.

CPR is Crucial During Cardiac Arrest Cases:

Early recognition of a cardiac arrest case gives room for saving a life. The ability to distinguish a cardiac arrest from other health emergencies is very critical. Trained persons have the know-how to tell when a victim goes into cardiac arrest. The CPR program offers skills to check for signs of life in victims and tell when CPR is necessary. An unskilled person can easily misdiagnose and give the wrong assistance, risking the victim’s life.

CPR Boosts Self-Worth:

Having CPR certification increases a person’s value and self-worth. Any knowledge in first aid is an asset to the owner. In the CPR training and certification course, learners acquire new skills and a wealth of knowledge they’re didn’t have before.

Whenever you save a person’s life, you become a hero to that person and those that care about him or her. It also leaves you with a sense of fulfillment. On the other hand, being a bystander in an emergency leaves you with guilt if the person involved dies. With CPR certification, you always know how to act, whether alone or in teams, and offer the necessary help.

The Skills and Certification Could Earn You Your Next Job

CPR certification is a requirement in some careers, such as a lifeguard and security guards. If you are interested in pursuing such careers, your CPR certification will come in handy.

When job hunting, a CPR certification could make the difference between you and the next person. Only about 3% of the total American population gets CPR certification annually. As a result, employers are more comfortable knowing that their personnel can handle health emergencies at the workplace. Presenting your CPR certification in a job interview could be the ticket to your dream job.

It Offers Hope and Prevents Panicking:

Health emergencies cause a lot of anxiety and uncertainty to loved ones. A skilled person is the only source of hope for the victim before emergency medical assistance arrives. CPR training offers skills on how to manage a healthy emergency and calm down people around to prevent panic.

CPR certified persons would easily manage a situation offering the required help without causing panic or panicking. Whenever a skilled person is in charge of a cardiac arrest emergency, there is a chance the victim will make it through, which gives some reassurance to the loved ones.

 Enroll Now for Online CPR/AED Training and Certification Classes at just $19.99.  

Tips for Low The Cholesterol Level in Body

Choice of diet:

We can regulate the levels of cholesterol in the blood through a change of diet. Here are some healthy eating habits:

Reduce the intake of saturated fats:

These fats are made of glyceride and fatty acids, and are solid at room temperature. Saturated fats increase the levels of low lipid proteins (bad cholesterol) in the body. According to the American Heart Association, a daily intake of saturated fats should be 13grams or 2000calories per day. Foods containing saturated fats are dairy products and red meat such as lamb, pork and beef. Protein foods with lower levels of cholesterol include fish, chicken and plant proteins. You should also aim at increasing unsaturated fats in your diet. Unsaturated fats are good as they are critical in maintaining good heart health by fighting cholesterol. An example is omega 3 fatty acids found in fish which helps in different body functions.

Increase the intake of foods high fiber:

These include foods such as fruits, vegetables and wholegrains. There are two types of fiber; soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the body by binding with the bad cholesterol preventing it’s absorption into the body. When absorbed into the body, soluble fiber helps preventing the formation of plague within blood vessels. 

Reducing on the intake of processed foods:

Processed foods are high in cholesterol and should be avoided.  These include foods such as sausages, bacon and hotdogs. 

Reducing on trans fats:

Trans fats are hydrogenated fats such as margarine. The use of partially hydrogenated oils has been banned by the food and drugs administration due to their cholesterol levels. 

Physical exercise:

Physical activity helps in enhancing the cholesterol levels in the body. It is recommended for one to exercise for 30minutes five times a week. Studies done by AHA also show that physical exercise increases the levels of good cholesterol. Physical exercise also helps in maintaining a healthy body weight, improving on mental health and staying fit. Everyone has their own work out techniques. 

Tracking your heart rate while working out will help you meet your work out goals. The heart rate tells how much energy is going into the activity, and the values are depended on the age of the individual. Persons with health conditions should consult their doctors on the type of activity that would work best for them. There are different physical activities one can engage in such as walking, swimming, jogging and running. The choice of physical activity is dependent on the individual’s hobbies and physical abilities. 

Reducing alcohol:

Excessive intake of alcohol is has a negative effect on the human body. In the liver, alcohol is broken down into cholesterol and triglycerides. When taken regularly in large amounts, alcohol increases the levels of cholesterol in the blood. Increased levels of triglycerides in the liver leads to a condition known as fatty liver disease. The condition affects the functioning of the liver reducing it’s ability to remove cholesterol from the blood. Other effects of the liver are linked to the he cholesterol levels and they include increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, pancreatic diseases and other cancers. 

How much alcohol is safe? The recommended levels of alcohol per week are 14 units. The 14 units should be spread throughout the week with some days being alcohol free. For safety, an individual should not exceed six units in six hours as this could overwork your liver. The body can only process 10ml of pure alcohol per hour. 

These recommendation are also safe for persons with high cholesterol levels. There are, however, some health conditions which should bar the individual completely from alcohol. If you have a health condition, it is crucial to consult with your doctor whether or not you should take alcohol.

Tips to help limit alcohol intake:

  • Always check the alcohol percentages in your drink
  • Let alcohol accompany a meal
  • Too up your drink with ice or water to make it last longer
  • Drink slowly by taking small sips

Alcoholism is a disease. If you are having trouble controlling your drinking seek help from a specialist or support group.

Reducing smoking:

Smoking has adverse effects on health. The best healthy advice for anyone is to quit smoking. Smoke from cigarettes contains thousands of harmful substances. Apart from raising the levels of cholesterol, smoking increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. The blood of a smoker is also thicker and carries lower levels of oxygen. The risk of having blood clots is also higher. 

Studies show that smoking worsens the type of cholesterol by making it thicker and easier to stick to the blood vessels. It also lowers the levels of good cholesterol (High density lipoproteins). The good cholesterol helps ferry away the bad cholesterol and prevent it from clinging onto blood vessels. 

Smoke from cigarettes damages blood arteries. As cholesterol moves along the vessels, it sticks to the damaged parts leading to coronary artery disease. For smokers, blood vessels clog up faster, lessening the flow of blood. The thinning and hardening of blood vessels makes it more difficult for blood to flow through. The individual starts experiencing a faster heart rate as the heart gets overworked.

Your health starts to improve once you stop smoking. Your ability to exercise also improves, your breathing gets better and the stress levels fall. You should consult your doctor if you are having trouble quitting. It’s not easy, but the long-term effects on your health are worth the effort.

Getting enough sleep:

Too much or too little sleep can have a negative effect on your cholesterol. Sleeping less than five hours a night or more than  eight hours will raise the levels of triglycerides and lower the levels of good cholesterol. It is critical to establish healthy sleeping patterns. An adult should sleep for eight hours a night. Younger children sleep longer and the effects are different. If you have trouble sleeping, your doctor might recommend some medications. The following tips will help you improve the quality of your sleep:

  • Avoid taking alcohol and caffeine before going to bed
  • Create some sleeping routines by going to bed at a specific time
  • Avoid certain habits that will keep you up such as using the phone before going to bed, reading and watching movies.

Manage stress:

Stress increases the levels of cholesterol in the body. The hormone (cortisol) produced under stress are said to increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Adrenaline is also produced that raises the levels of triglycerides in the blood. There are different ways to manage stress. Long-term stress will not only affect your cholesterol but also the quality of life. Stress leads to depression and other mental disorders which can result in suicide. It is best to talk to someone or seek specialized help whenever we feel overwhelmed. 

 Enroll Now for Online CPR/AED Training and Certification Classes at just $19.99.  

Basic Life Saving Skills, Everyone Must Know


Vital Life-Saving Skills You Should Possess


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is easy to learn the life-saving technique. It is the only known first aid and life-saving skill applied to cardiac arrest victims. CPR is known to increase the chances of survival in the victim by 50%.

The number of persons enrolling for CPR classes is below the recommended range. Cardiac arrest cases are also on the rise, and the chances of having a trained person within the proximity are low. It is, therefore, necessary to have more CPR certified individuals.

The Use of AED:

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) is an important device used to restore the heart rhythm to cardiac arrest victims. The performance of CPR alongside the AED is essential in the revival of cardiac arrest victims. It is trained long side CPR in various institutions. The equipment is easy to use and available in most public facilities throughout the United States.

Heimlich Maneuver:

The Heimlich maneuver is a first-aid technique that helps dislodge objects obstructing choking persons. Choking occurs more in children and infants than adults. The procedure differs pending on the age bracket of the victim. Interested persons can enroll for a first aid training course on various online first aid training platforms.

Controlling Bleeding:

When accidents occur, the victims are at risk of bleeding to death. First aid training offers skills on how to stop flowing to prevent excessive loss of blood. The first aid course is readily available on various online platforms.

Managing of Burns:

Burns are quite painful, and depending on the severity could lead to loss of life. The scars left behind as the wound heals can alter the life of the victim.

The first assistance offered to burn victims relieves pain. Providing the best first aid techniques prevents the burn from extending. Proper handling of an injury accelerates the healing process.

Fire is an essential item in the life of a human being. Electrical faults can also result in disasters. Everyone should have the capacity to attend to a burn.

Escaping Building on Fire:

Being trapped in a burning building is one of the scariest experiences. Various institutions and online platforms offer skills of how to exit such situations—techniques on how to carry out rescue operations in saving lives.

Saving Oneself from a Sinking Car:

Though less common cars sink in rivers, lakes, and ocean waters. Skilled persons are less likely to panic, which increases the chances of getting out and saving themselves.

First aid training courses offer skills and knowledge on how to exit the car and swim to safety. When such incidents occur, help might not arrive at the scene early enough. If the passengers are unable to escape, they are at a higher risk of death.

Insect and Snake Bites:

Snakes and some insects are poisonous, and when not adequately attended to, the victim could die. The ability to manage such events could save a life.

Others include getting off a speeding car, prevention and treatment hypothermia, and handling electric shock victims.

How to Apply For Life-Saving Skills Courses?

No Minimum Qualification Required:

Life-saving skills such as first aid and CPR are open for anyone to enroll. The courses have no minimum educational requirements. Age is not a barrier either as a person, so all ages are allowed to register.

The Courses Are Available Online:

Individual institutions offer online first aid training on specified life skills. You can easily enroll for a life-saving course from home with your laptop and the Internet.

The training offers both knowledge and demonstrations. Upon completion of the training, the participants undertake a test for their levels of competence through an online exam. Persons who pass the test get certified instantly. The certificate is readily available as it can be printed online or delivered the same day.

Life-saving training also offers an opportunity for certified persons to refresh their skills after two years. Over time, approved persons are likely to rust due to a lack of frequent application of the skills.

Why Should You Acquire Life-Saving Skills?

It Could Earn You Mileage in Your Career:

Some life skills such as CPR and First Aid Training are essential requirements in some careers. Having such skills will, therefore, open up more opportunities for you.

Owners of organizations are also more likely to recruit people with life-saving skills. A first aid training could make a difference between you and the next person in an interview. People with life-saving skills become assets to an organization. When a life-threatening emergency occurs within an organization, the rescuer becomes a hero, and it could boost your career growth.

They Are Easy to Learn:

Life-saving skills are straightforward and realistic techniques that can be acquired by people of different mental abilities. The procedures applied to make use of the rescuer’s body and other available resources to save oneself and others in case of life-threatening emergencies.

Offers Skills on How to Get Away From Could Be Disasters:

In life-saving training, the trainee learns how to get away from a life-threatening situation. In such occurrences, the individual is also able to save other persons in similar cases.

Prevents Suffering and Faster Healing:

Some life-saving techniques aim at relieving pain and alleviate suffering in the victims. Proper administration of the best first aid techniques lowers the level of damage, preventing making the wounds less extensive.

You Could Save a Life:

Life-saving techniques target at saving lives. A certified person can save their own lives and those of others when disasters occur.

Training on life-saving techniques offers the individual the confidence they require to handle specific emergencies and save lives. Untrained persons are often afraid of doing the wrong thing and attracting legal suits. In the event of health emergencies, people to standby and watch as lives are lost.

Boosts Self-Worth:

The ability to help another person boosts an individual’s self-worth. Saving a life leaves a feeling of satisfaction within the individual. The inability to help oneself and others out of a life-threatening emergency leave the victim in a hopeless state, which results in panic.

The Knowledge Acquired Is Invaluable:

Life-saving courses offer a lot of knowledge. The information taught is applicable in other areas of life. Such knowledge can improve an individual’s quality of life. The knowledge and skills are also easily transferable to the loved ones and others who might need them.

Offers Ability to Prevent Health Emergencies From Occurring:

Life-saving techniques training provides the individual with skills on how to prevent certain dangerous events from occurring. Preventive measures taught in such courses apply to the routine activities.

The Rescue Mission Is More Effective With Skilled Persons:

A team of trained persons can coordinate a rescue operation and achieve greater success. Skilled persons are less likely to waste time. They can quickly form groups and follow with the known procedures carrying out tasks without stepping on each other’s toes.

Life-saving training covers skills on team operations and the different roles of the team members in separate incidents. The ability of the teams to work together determines the amount of time taken to complete a mission.

Skilled persons can keep the audience calm and at a safe distance. Overcrowding can quickly slow down a rescue process in case of a disaster. However, people give way when people are confident in the rescuer’s ability to save the lives of those involved.

Early Diagnosis:

The training offers skills in early recognition of specific emergency conditions and how to act on them. Some situations are urgent, and the victims must be attended to as soon as possible to save lives. First aid training, for instance, offers skills in diagnosing snake bites victims, choking persons, and sudden cardiac arrest. Only through proper diagnosis of the victim’s condition can the victim be saved.

The training also offers skills to help the rescuer define if a victim can be saved or is already dead. In case of a disaster involving multiple victims, the rescuer can comfortably concentrate on victims whose lives are at a higher risk of death.


Today, anyone can learn the basic Life-saving skills by joining the Online First Aid Training and Certification Courses. The procedure for registration is simple, and the course begins as soon after registration. The advantages of being a trainee on life-saving techniques are quite many. Skilled persons are quite confident, maintaining calm and calming down others in case of disasters. Certified persons are more likely to take the initiative to save a life when emergencies occur.

 Enroll Now for Online Basic Life Support Certification for $44.99.  

The post originally Published here

Why First Aid/CPR Certification a Musts for Yoga Teachers?


Benefits of CPR/ First Aid for Yoga Teacher

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) involves mainly chest compressions. CPR has been practiced for decades across the world the lives of many people. The process of performing quality CPR requires skills and hands-on experience. Alongside the chest compressions, cardiac arrest victims need rescue breathing and the administration of AED to revive the heart and regain normal breath.

Yoga teachers should possess skills for managing health emergencies that they are likely to encounter in their line of duty. Specific emergencies cases are critical, demanding quick first aid and a trip to the hospital. Such emergencies include incidents of sudden cardiac arrest, fainting, bleeding, fractures, injuries to the head and other body parts. 

Cardiac arrest victim requires immediate calls for emergency help and administration of CPR. As a yoga teacher, you can’t always count on someone else to be present every time such happens. For this reason, yoga teachers should possess CPR certification. The training covers the essential information relating to cardiac arrest. Trainees learn the causes and early signs of cardiac arrest. The knowledge is critical for yoga teachers in keeping their clients safe from such incidents. CPR certified yoga teacher can detect the first signs of cardiac arrest and take the necessary steps in managing the victim, preventing fatalities and cases of permanent brain damage.

In cardiac arrest, the victim’s heart stops beating, and they are unable to breathe normally. The episode might develop gradually or kick in instantly. Yoga teachers should be able to tell a victim that’s experiencing a heart attack for those of fainting. The CPR certification course offers skills in assessing signs of life. CPR applies to unresponsive and breathing persons. Yoga trainers who are always on sight should listen in to the victim to check if they are breathing and call emergency response with details of the event.

CPR training offers knowledge on the essential steps of responding to cardiac arrest to increase the chances of survival. The course covers how to give CPR to infants, adults and children. Victims of cardiac arrest are usually going low on oxygen because they are not getting, and their heart is not pumping blood. The risk of death is very high if the victim doesn’t receive the required assistance. The victim’s blood still has oxygen which can sustain them for a few minutes.

As the yoga teacher awaits emergency help, they should be performing chest compressions on the victim at a rate of 100-120 per minute. The chest compressions give the individual an artificial heartbeat that pumps blood throughout the victim’s body. The brain is one of the most critical organs in the body. With an unlimited supply of oxygen, the brain is likely to get permanently damaged, and the victim dies within minutes. The performance of CPR doubles the chances of survival of cardiac arrest victims.

Rescue breathing is also another emergency practice under CPR and First Aid training. Victims of cardiac arrest are in dire need of oxygen. Giving rescue breaths to an individual provides artificial ventilation increasing the oxygen supply in the blood. CPR certification training course provides participants with skills on how to perform both CPR and rescue breathing to save the lives of cardiac arrest.

The use of the AED device is another skill taught in CPR certification course. The exclusive performance of CPR alongside rescue breathing doesn’t revive cardiac arrest victims. The AED is an essential device for restoring the normal heart functions in cardiac arrest victims. The tool automatically detects the condition of the heart of the victim and delivers electric shocks where necessary.

Some victims fall in sudden cardiac arrest without showing any symptoms. The common signs of cardiac signs as covered within CPR course include shortness of breath/ gasping of air, palpitations, discomfort within the chest, stomach and shoulder, dizziness and unconsciousness. Yoga teachers need to be a wee of the signs and call for emergency response as soon as a client starts showing related symptoms.

Yoga activities may be too intense for some high-risk persons. For this reason, the teacher needs to get the medical history of clients. Client’s with heart problems should consult their doctor who should give guidance on the kind of activities safe for them. A CPR certified yoga teacher can know the limitation of actions such clients can engage in and prevent fatalities. Lack of such knowledge can lead to legal suits. Such can happen when a client with a history of heart conditions, among other illnesses gets sick of dies while practicing yoga.

First Aid Training for Yoga Teachers

First Aid training offers skills on the law of good Samaritan, which protects persons who inflict intentional injuries as they attempt to provide emergency help to victims. The knowledge is essential for yoga teachers as they are aware of their rights when taking care of medical emergencies involving their clients. The training also offers insight on the extent to which yoga teachers can go in providing help to clients who experience health-related emergencies.

First aid training is fundamental for yoga teachers as specific injuries are bound to happen at the practice. The first aid certification program offers skills and knowledge on the management of specific injuries such as how to control bleeding. Over bleeding can lead to fatalities related to excessive loss of blood. The ability to control the bleeding of a client, whether nose bleeding or otherwise can make the difference between life and death.

Sprains and muscle injuries are among the common injuries that occur during yoga. The treatment of such injuries might not require specialized treatment. First aid training offers both skills and knowledge on how to control and manage these injuries. Giving first aid to clients is one-way yoga teachers create confidence and credibility with clients.

The management of fractures can be challenging. First aid training offers knowledge and skills in the management of fractures and broken bones. Such incidents are possible while practicing yoga. The training provides expertise in the signs of fractures and broken bones. The ability of a yoga teacher to recognize the signs of broken bones and fractures helps them determine when to call for an ambulance. The movement of victims with broken bones should is not appropriate as it can lead to further injuries. However, without training, it would be difficult to recognize the signs of broken bones from sprains and muscle injuries.

The occurrence of emergencies demands for people to act promptly with the necessary assistance. However, uncoordinated aid can do more harm than good. CPR and First Aid Certification course train on the importance of working as teams in rescue operations. Participants learn the different roles of team members in various emergencies. The training helps participants learn how to lead teams in reversible roles. First aid situations require taking the initiative and acting fast to save lives, reduce suffering or pain and treatment.

Other skills offered in first aid training include how to handle burns, heat-related illnesses, animal and insect bites, poisoning and among others.

The skills and knowledge in first aid training provide the necessary confidence a yoga teacher needs to handle health emergencies effectively. Wrong management of specific health situations such as wounds can worsen wounds, for instance. As an instructor, the teacher is expected to remain calm and reassure clients who get injured. The CPR and first aid training offer the necessary techniques on how to stay contained at the face of crisis. CPR trained yoga teachers more confident when dealing with health emergencies as they are aware of what the victim is going through and how to manage efficiently. Though not compulsory, yoga teachers need to have CPR and First Aid Certification. Moreover, it is difficult to secure a good job without it.

 Enroll Now for Online CPR/AED Training and Certification Classes at just $19.99.  

The post originally published here.

Why Security Guards Should be CPR Trained?


CPR and first aid training are quite advantageous for security guards. Being on fulltime surveillance, security guards can take control of emergencies by taking up the necessary initiative in saving lives. For this reason, most companies and organizations will prefer to have CPR and first aid trained security guards. Persons interested in security guard CPR classes can easily register for online CPR certification. There is a wide range of reasons as to why CPR and first aid training is necessary for the daily duties of a security guard. Continue reading