CPR Myths – Everyone Should Know


Here are some of the myths that surround the practice and training of CPR certification:

1. CPR Learning Needs Professionalism

A lot of people have been misguided into the thoughts that you have to be a doctor or a practitioner in paramedics for you to learn CPR. We tend to believe that when it comes to saving lives, a doctor should be present or actively involved. This illusion has led to the loss of life that could have otherwise been saved with simple steps and strategies taught during CPR certification classes.

If we think of ourselves as saviours to an extent, then we might discover the advantages of getting trained in performing CPR the right way. The truth is, attending classes of CPR certification can be done by anyone regardless of the profession you are in. All that is needed is a willing person, a certified trainer and a center. This way, the rates of deaths as a result of cardiac arrest will be minimized.

2. CPR Can Cause Injuries

The performance of the CPR involves exerting pressure on the chest of the victim of cardiac arrest and sometimes the use of the mouth-to-mouth method. These acts are meant to introduce air into the lungs and hence prompt breathing. This pressure can cause some bruising or injury of the lungs. The same situation can somehow be applied to when medicating a patient using needles; they may get sore skin at the point of injection but it’s on the way of recovery.

Yes, the injuries do and may occur. But these injuries heal with time and the big picture is that a life is saved that would have otherwise succumbed to death in the absence of the CPR.

3. It Is Barely a Necessity

It is not every day that you will encounter a patient who will require CPR, so why bother? It is assumed that medical emergencies that may require CPR certified personnel rarely happen and when/if they do, they require the attention of a certified medical practitioner. Just because you don’t meet people in need of CPR and first aid attention doesn’t make the skill lose its value.

According to the research carried out by AHA, more than ¾ per cent of the cardiac arrest cases are likely to die due to lack of timely response. Lack of timely response is caused by lack of interest when it comes to training. If more people will show interest in attaining physical or online CPR certification, then we will have more certified individuals which will lead to saving more lives.

4. Mouth-To-Mouth Resuscitation Is a Mandatory Practice In CPR

If you have gone to a certified center or taken CPR online certification from reliable organization/trainer, you will know that that performance of CPR will involve the use of hands to exert pressure and mouth to mouth resuscitation. CPR is performed to introduce more air into the lungs to attain regularized breathing.

Most people have been misguided into believing that mouth to mouth is mandatory and thus are afraid of being exposed to germs and diseases. As a certified CPR practitioner, you are allowed to perform hand-only CPR as long as it saves lives. In case of mouth to mouth practice, there are protective that can be used.

5. A One-Time CPR Certification Is Enough

How many times should you attend CPR certification classes? There have been several myths and stories told in regard to this question. The truth is, attending a physical or online CPR certification class is a bold and rather very important move. It is important to note that once you have heard your first CPR training and certification class, you will require annual refresher courses.

This is important to ensure that when the CPR is performed, it is done in the right away to avoid accidents, injuries or even death. It also keeps you updated as a person that can perform CPR.

6. Legal Woes In Case Of Injuries or Death

Sometimes the best efforts of trying to save lives may lead to casualties instead. Many people have used this idea to scare off those who will like to take part in CPR classes. In the pursuit of good acts to saves lives and situations, accidents happen. And sometimes, the situation cannot be saved despite all the efforts put in place.

The law recognizes good deeds and therefore shouldn’t be a reason for a person not to help in situations where death is a viable option. You can never be blamed for trying to save a life.

7. You Can Take a Full CPR Certification Online

The beauty of the internet generation is the availability of all the necessary information needed online. All the resources including the information needed to perform CPR properly are found online. Some videos provide a step by step guidance on the same. Some of the organizations have gone a step further to being able to provide an online tutor for the students.

The internet has made online CPR certification easy and convenient. Whilst this gives the student exposure to the theoretical aspect, a physical class is advised as a way of getting practical lessons on a person or by using a mannequin.

The post originally published on USCPROnline.com.

Why CPR Training is Necessary To Perform Chest Compression

An emergency can happen anywhere and at any time. You could be at a supermarket in the middle of the day, at a nightclub enjoying a night on the town or just innocently walking down the street when someone nearby goes into cardiac arrest.

If this happened to you, what would you do? Other than calling emergency services, most of us would not be able to do much. That is, unless, they have taken CRP training and received a CPR certification.


What is CPR?

CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions with artificial ventilation to preserve brain function and restore circulation and breathing in an individual who has gone into cardiac arrest. The compressions are a vital part of this procedure.

Compressions keep the blood pumping through the body and to the brain. Without this blood flow, the brain will start to die in 6 to 8 minutes. This is why it is so important to perform chest compressions, and the sooner the better.

Do I Need CPR Training to Perform Chest Compressions?

Even if you have not taken any CPR classes, or if you have received CPR training and are rusty, chest compressions can be used to help save a life. According to the American Heart Association, an untrained person can provide hands only CPR. This involves uninterrupted chest compressions of 100 to 120 a minute. You don’t need to try rescue breathing.

However, if you are trained in CPR, you will be better prepared to save a life. You will feel more confident and you will be able to check for vital signs like pulse and breathing. You will also be able to perform rescue breathing and chest compressions more efficiently. These are skills that can make all the difference when it comes to keeping a victim alive.

Getting Your CPR Certification with Online Classes

Although CPR is such a valuable skill, many people never learn it because they feel the classes will be time consuming and expensive. Others may have gotten a certification and let it expire so that they no longer feel confident of their skills.

However, online CPR training provides a convenient and easy way to become CPR certified so there really is never a good reason not to take CPR classes or to let your CPR certification expire. These classes allow you to learn from the comfort of your own home and go at your own pace when it comes to learning.

Also, because there is no need for the provider to pay a teacher to teach a live lesson or supply a location for the classes, online CPR training is very affordable.

Key Takeaways

  • CPR is a great skill to know. It can help you save a life in the case of an emergency.
  • Chest compressions are a vital part of CPR that helps to keep the blood circulating and the brain alive.
  • Chest compressions can be performed by someone who has not received CPR training, but they will not be as effective as they would be if performed by an individual that is properly trained.
  • Obtaining CPR certification can be convenient and affordable if you choose to take online CPR classes.

CPR training can help save a life. Enroll in an online CPR classes so you can learn this valuable skill.